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my personal journey

Bring to mind a time when you felt completely alive…

The experience of feeling in tune with your whole being is an unparalleled bliss. You’d do anything to access that feeling of connection all the time.

But lately it hasn’t been happening.

You make healthy changes only to yield minimal results. You’re frustrated that nothing seems to be working-- no matter how much green juice you drink or hot yoga classes you attend.

There’s this nagging feeling that something’s missing. That if you could just figure out what it is, you’d feel whole.

You’re ready for this journey, but you’ve got no clue where to start.

You’re not alone, I used to feel that way too. Confused and frustrated that my health was failing me. I was drowning in a sea of opinions and advice. None of which seemed to help.

I’m Elizabeth and I’m glad our paths have crossed. I’m here to nurture and support your journey into balance. With a combination of bodywork and energy healing techniques, I empower you to release your deepest and oldest wounds, as well as anything else keeping you from feeling aligned, and in tune with yourself and the world around you.

Healing is an intimate journey of self-discovery. Each of us has a different vibrational subset of blocks that require great care and attention to discover and clear. There is no magic pill, or one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to healing in a deep, lasting way.

All of my programs are fully customized to suit you and your unique needs.

I know what it’s like to feel imbalanced, confused and struggling to find some answers.

My own encounters with an autoimmune disease, hormonal imbalances, and other health “mysteries” fueled my passion for finding answers. Not answers involving prescription pads or coping mechanisms, but whole-body solutions for myself and other women.

I am one of six women in the WORLD trained in Chakredy® to do this kind of deep healing work.

I have done the work and am still doing the work.

I know healing is a difficult process, and some days it doesn't feel worth it.

I also know that once you've gone through it (the only way to heal), you'll feel so empowered.

I am here to support you while you heal, shift, and grow because I know first hand how being supported can accelerate the process.

There is nothing more empowering than shifting a pattern you’ve been stuck in for years and moving out of it with clarity and understanding.

This is life-changing work and I am honored to walk this path with you.

My mission is to help women become aware of their energy so that they can live in deep harmony with their whole being. This is where the magic happens. This is where real transformation takes place. I help you create balance through chaos and access the sublime grace and truth that exists within us all.

Balancing the chakras is like stirring a pot of magical tea, whose medicine has sunk to the bottom. Together we bring to life the potency of your unique inner wisdom.

The energy of life flows in circles. Each chakra is a wheel for an energy center, moving, shifting and telling us on some level what it needs.

As an intuitive healer, I speak that language and translate it back to you. With a set of actionable strategies you can use to get back to feeling like yourself again.

Find out how I can support you here to experience:

✴ Breakthroughs that empower you to ditch your self-imposed limitations
✴ Clarity surrounding how you can feel better emotionally, physically and spiritually
✴ Alignment and trust in your deeper purpose and power

Let’s get to know each other better. Click on the button below to see how we can work together to bring you back to your beautifully balanced and connected self.