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massage and reiki



Fertility Enhancement Massage

Preparing to carry a baby with fertility enhancement massages is a gift not only for your body but also your mind. This specialized massage technique focuses on detoxifying your body (especially the abdominal and pelvic organs and tissues), increasing blood flow, and releasing your physical and mental tension and stress.

You’ll also achieve a higher level of awareness in your body, especially related to your reproductive organs. This will help you understand your fertility signals and cycles and learn how to chart and read those signals so you can work on consciously conceiving.
75 minute appointment $100

Prenatal Massage

Nine months may seem like a long time when you’re pregnant, but your body is making fast changes during each trimester. This can make you uncomfortable, achy, and lethargic ­ all issues that regular massages can ease.

Prenatal massages can reduce swelling, sciatic nerve pain, and muscle cramps, and also help reduce insomnia by helping your mind and body relax. You and your baby will also benefit from increased blood and lymph flow, a strengthened immune system, and a burst of endorphins to help your body naturally cope with any lingering discomfort.

During your first trimester, I focus on relaxing and nurturing your mind and body as you adjust to pregnancy, both physically and emotionally. As your baby grows, I shift my focus towards the pressure in your lower back and hips, your shortened back muscles, and aching feet.

Not only does prenatal massage care for your changing body, but it’s also an opportunity to increase your mind­body awareness, reduce stress, and mentally and emotionally relax before your little one arrives.
60 minute appointment $90

Postpartum Massage

Once your little one arrives, your body is adjusting to a whole new set of changes ­ suddenly not being pregnant, recovering from labor and delivery, and holding and nursing a baby for hours on end.

Postpartum massage relieves your aching muscles, and also provides you with an opportunity to relax. During those first few weeks, everything else in your life is revolving around your baby. Just an hour for yourself can go a long ways in improving your wellbeing.
60 minute appointment $90

General Massage

Whether you need help coping with a stressful lifestyle or an aging body, I can use deep Swedish and deep tissue massage to ease your aches and pains and relax your body and mind.
60 minute appointment $90 with added Chakra Balancing work $105


As a Reiki Level 3 practitioner I can clear negative energy from your field and bring in the healing energy of Reiki, I add this into all the work I do which makes my massage a powerful experience. You may book a full Reiki session for 60 minutes for $100

I pride myself on getting to know my clients and their bodies over many years (some for well over a decade!). Over time, I learn where you may need more attention and can help raise your awareness of changes in your muscles between massages.



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